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Ray White Seminyak is real estate agent with speciality in buying, selling, or renting of residentials, apartements and offices in Bali area. We also involve in commercial, landed, project and auction.Raywhite Seminyak has more than thousands of properties offered throughout Bali and also in Ray White network whole over Indonesia. Our specialist serve local market and expatriate. We give a freedom to investors and individual to choose any propert...
Didik Arya
I Made Ari Sandya
Raywhite Seminyak Management
Widyati Indaryana
Yana Indaryana
Online Training Arebi di Masa Pandemi Covid-19
Manfaat AREBIBagi Masyarakat :Memecahkan persoalan real estate yang dihadapiMemperoleh layanan yang
Uji Sertifikasi Kompetensi Broker Properti Metode Jarak jauh (Daring/Online) Di LSP Broker Properti Indonesia
LSP Broker Properti Indonesia telah mendapat persetujuan / verifikasi dari BNSP untuk mengadakan
Perhatikan Tips Ini Agar Terhindar dari Mafia Tanah
1. Bagi para pembeli perhatikan status tanah. Jenis hak atas tanah disesuaikan dengan subyek hak,